Full name
Contact number
Email address
Household - Please outline the name and age of each person living in your household.
What are the hours worked for each adult in your household per day
Are you interested in meeting a particular cat?
Address where the pet will live
What sort of home do you live in?
Do you
Do you have an outdoor cat enclosure?
Are you prepared to have an indoor only cat if you do not have an outdoor cat enclosure?
Will the cat be restricted to only accessing your property? If so, please outline how.
Please provide the breed, gender and age of each of your existing pets
Please outline whether or not each of your pets have up-to-date vaccinations, are microchipped and desexed.
Have you given away, surrendered, sold or otherwise rehomed a pet? Please provide information about this.
What are your reasons for adding a cat to your family?
Please select the features of a cat that are most important to you
Which of the following behaviours would be 'deal-breakers' for a cat to remain a member of your household?
What would happen to this cat if you moved towns?
What would happen to this cat if you moved states?
What would happen to this cat if you moved overseas?
How will you ensure you can financially care for your pet in case of a medical emergency?
Your personal vet contact details
Reference #1 name, relationship, contact number and email address
I declare the information included in this survey to be true, and understand that should I be successful in adopting a cat, this survey forms part of the adoption contract.